
Esther Lee's Love Chronicles

These are my personal tales of love, life and sex. Love Chronicles is now an award winning column. It captured the Gold (1st) prize for Creative Journalism in the National Arts Awards 2006 in St. Lucia!

February 02, 2006

Should We Recycle?

In the town known as “Singleton”, the residents sometimes face extremely difficult and mind-boggling questions. One at the top of all lists is ‘should we engage in the practice of recycling?’ Now to all those in the neighbouring village of “Couplesville”, when I speak of recycling, I am not referring to paper or plastics and being environment friendly, by reusing household waste. I am instead talking about the method of re-entering the dating world with someone who you have dated in the past. I am talking about reusing or recycling men or women, who you already have a colourful past with. When unable to get a new shoe, should we empty our closet to find an old one?

The answer to this question really lies in the past relationship and why it ended. Two people get together because they are attracted to each other or so we hope. When that relationship ends, there still may be some attraction remaining. After going their separate ways, growing and maturing, they may now be ready to date each other again. One has to remember, however, that the relationship ended for a reason. If the other person was a cheating liar or something far worse, a few months or years may not have changed them for the better. If the relationship ended because of unavoidable situation such as distance, then it can be a great experience to date each other again.

Another question in the recycling bin is ‘Should you date your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend’s friends?’ In a small country like St. Lucia, where the number of good available men and women is extremely limited, this question will come up sooner or later. I once dated a friend of guy I used to date. Well this guy was out of the country, I thought for good, so I agreed to go out on a date with his friend. Let’s call the first guy Sean, and his friend John. So I used to go out with Sean, he left the country and months after John asked me out. I was a bit hesitant at first, but John was persistent, so I finally gave in. A day after our third date, who should come flying back into the country, but Sean! John promptly called me and said that he could not see me again and he was terrified of what his friend Sean would say about us. Just imagine, the night before he was declaring that he would never run away if Sean came back! Well run he did.

Well Sean of course found out, this is St. Lucia after all where we have a side of gossip with our morning coffee, and was a bit upset with me. Oh dear readers, I was in a predicament. I had lost a date and possibly a friend. It all ended ok, I never dated John again, not because of Sean, but because I realized that he could talk a great talk but couldn’t walk a straight line to save his life! In situations like these we really have to take into consideration who the other person is, and weigh the pros and cons of the situation. I of course will empty my recycle bin to ensure that I never use it again! Until next week…

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