
Esther Lee's Love Chronicles

These are my personal tales of love, life and sex. Love Chronicles is now an award winning column. It captured the Gold (1st) prize for Creative Journalism in the National Arts Awards 2006 in St. Lucia!

February 20, 2006

The Checkout Counter

There is one important, very very important question that every single gal asks constantly. Where do I sign up to meet the cute guys? (Or at least I do) We always want to know the best possible place to meet our next date. Guys do not even shake your heads at me, because I am pretty sure you wonder the same thing about women! So where are these ‘hook up sites’ located?

Surveys show that one of the most popular places to meet guys is at the supermarket. Yes you read right, the supermarket. That may explain my extra trips to JQ’s in Rodney Bay! On my recent excursions there, I have really noticed the high numbers of really ridiculously good-looking men shopping there. Now think about it, what better place can you meet a great guy, and find things out about his life, without even talking to him or asking the village gossip. One little peek into his shopping basket and you can find out everything you need to know. Don’t believe me? Then let me explain. I present, ladies and gentlemen, the analysis of the grocery cart. Let’s begin. Tampons. Check. Probably has a wife or girlfriend at home. No guy buys feminine stuff for his mother! Little juice boxes and mini anything. Check. Must be shopping for the kids. Steak, sausages, ham. Check. I’m pretty sure he is not vegetarian. Fruits, Vegetables, water. Check. He must be interested in healthy living. If he is spending a little extra time looking at the seasonings and spices, he probably knows how to cook his lady a good dinner. So the check out counter at the supermarket can really become the CHECK HIM OUT counter. Get it? Hahaha. Now please do not sue me if this backfires. This study is not a scientific one.

If you are not the type to ‘make sweet eyes’ in the household cleaning aisle, then you can always meet your dream guy on television for the whole world to see. Earlier this week, I caught an episode of the Bachelor on ABC. The premise of the show is this: One successful and handsome bachelor gets a chance to meet 25 available women, who will all be staying in the same house. He gets to know them better, goes out on group dates, and then gets to pick and choose who stays and who goes home. Lucky guy! He picks those he likes, says bye bye to those he has no chemistry with, until one girl is left standing. Supposedly, he proposes to her and they live happily ever after. Yeah, sure. Even though this shows a little of what goes on in the real world, where women and even men compete for the hearts of the most eligible, most of us would prefer not getting rejected in front of millions of television viewers. So, for some of us who are less adventurous and smarter (I think), there are many other places reported to be the site of successful ‘hook-ups’.

One of these is at church. You at least have an idea of what the person’s beliefs are and maybe, just maybe, you have the same moral values. Another great place is through friends especially other couples, because they seem to want everybody to have what they have. A significant other, long walks on the beach, romantic dinners, blah, blah, blah. I’m sure you get my point. Other places include social clubs and volunteer organizations. These create so many opportunities to meet up with potential dates. Surprisingly, many say that the bar or club is NOT a good place to meet. Why? Think about it. Doesn’t everyone look good at 2 am after you have had a few martinis? Anyway, that’s all for now folks. Got to go pick up an application for the Rotary Club! Until next week….


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