
Esther Lee's Love Chronicles

These are my personal tales of love, life and sex. Love Chronicles is now an award winning column. It captured the Gold (1st) prize for Creative Journalism in the National Arts Awards 2006 in St. Lucia!

December 30, 2006

The Year in Review

The countdown is on, 2006 is almost over. it sure went by in a flash. It’s a few more days until the new year and I find myself, a single gal, wondering who I am going to kiss at the stoke of midnight. There have been many options throughout this year but none lasted long enough.

By no means am I complaining about my single status. This just leaves all my options open for snogging a handsome stranger on the right of me or making out with the cute dude on my left when the call comes: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. . . Happy New Year! Oh gosh, I am forgetting that my parents read this column. Only joking moma and papa!

So anyway, I would be seriously lying if I said that this year was boring when it came to my love life. I went from having the most arid dating period ever to having way too many men to handle, then had to deal with two women who wanted me naked and sandwiched between them. (If you missed that very interesting column, then check out my web site for all of the juicy details!)

Over the last few months, I learned all about compromising and not compromising. I learned that a guy has to fit into my life, not ever the other way around. I recall a guy wanting me to change my image and lifestyle to suit his. He refused to continue dating me unless I conformed. Well, obviously that one definitely fizzled out! In relationships, compromise is sometimes a good thing and makes things go smoothly when both parties are happy. The problem arises when a guy or girl wants you to change the essence of who you are, change your personality and give up the things that make you happy so that you would be more suitable for them.

My word of advice: show that person the door! Career and family has also been on my mind this year. As I turned 26 in November, I began wondering whether I should care more about settling down and having a family in the near future. I came up with a definite answer—No way. Even though many of my old classmates are now married or attached with children, I realize that this is certainly not a priority for me now or anywhere in the near future. I will concentrate on me now and enjoy life as much as I can. I still haven't decided whether I am the marrying or childbearing type. A year from now, I may be singing a different tune but as of today, this is where I’m at.

I was recently having a couple of cosmopolitans with a very interesting group of people and all of the single ones were singing the same tune. There is nobody out there for them. Well, to all of the single ones out there, I say, enjoy it while it lasts. embrace your freedom to do whatever you want to do with your life! Now back to the stroke of midnight, will I be smooching the cutie on the right or the handsome guy on the left?

December 22, 2006

Election Love

During this election season, I thought about all of the issues that were being debated, the rising crime situation, the tourism industry, corruption in government, the NCA affair, the Rochamel affair and all of the other affairs and scandals. I also made one very important and interesting observation. This current election is really like a love affair and can be compared to a woman's love life.

Yes, I know that it may sound extremely far-fetched but just hear me out and think about it carefully. So, let's say St. Lucia was the woman in this love affair, and Hon. Sir John Compton and Dr. Kenny Anthony were her love interests. So St. Lucia was in a relationship with Compton for a really really long time. She loved how he treated her and benefited greatly from his affection. They both got comfortable with each other and began acting like an old married couple.

After many years, she got tired of him and craved for something new. 'The grass looks greener on the other side," she thought and left the mature Sir John for someone new, young and apparently more exciting. This is when Dr. Anthony enters the picture and sweeps Miss St. Lucia off of her feet with sweet talk, player moves, wining and dining; the likes of which she had never seen before. St. Lucia promptly dumps John and begins her hot affair with Anthony. Very soon, huge cracks start to appear in the once 'perfect' relationship and Kenny starts to show his true colours. St. Lucia realizes what a horrible mistake she made and goes running back, into the arms of her true love, Sir John.

So you see, we all have a lesson to learn from this election season; I know that the whole affair is not that simple but there are a few things we can take from it and apply to our love lives. First of all, we have to learn that the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence even though it may appear to be. If we are in a long-term relationship, we may get bored with the other person and may seek another love interest. There is nothing wrong with that, but sometimes what is best for us is right in front of us, standing by our side day in and day out. Someone new does not always equal something better.

Another thing is that when two people get together and fall in love at a young age (as St. Lucia did with Sir John), when they are still growing up and maturing, a little time apart may actually do them and the relationship some good. Sometimes, you need to spend a little time apart to grow, mature and find out what you really want out of life. After that when both of you are ready, the relationship can resume and hopefully you two can live happily ever after… Oh at least we all hope so. So you see, the comparison was not so far-fetched after all!

Anyone Up For A Girly Cocktail?

We want you naked sandwiched between us,” the two young women said, giggling. What? Okay, maybe I heard them wrong, the music at the show was very loud so this could have caused a mix-up in communication. Perhaps they were asking if I wanted a sandwich or something.

“Can you repeat that? I didn't hear you too well,” I responded. “Come and party with us, come dance, We want you,” they answered.I better start from the beginning and explain how I found myself being propositioned by two girls. I recently went to another Caribbean island to report on a fashion show for SHE Caribbean magazine. A new hot clothing line was being launched and I was hanging out backstage with the models. A band was on stage performing, so everyone was just chillin, dancing and talking. A few of the female models were asking me about the magazine and about the very hot Jamie Foxx cover.

Two seemed to be extra interested in everything I had to say and kept smiling at me, whispering, and then giggling. A male friend was sitting next to me and soon the girls were whispering something in his ear. The girls then left to get drinks and my male friend passed on their message to me. “Esther, these two girls want to know if you will have some fun with them tonight,” he said with one eyebrow raised and a mischievous smile on his face.

“Oh no, I'm too tired to dance right now and I have to be at the airport at 6am tomorrow,” I answered.“No Esther, I do not think that they want to just dance with you,” he responded, raising the eyebrow again. “What? What? Oh, oh, please tell them thanks but no thanks. I really prefer males,” I answered.

Now, I really understood what was going on. I had thought nothing of their interest in me. I only believed that they were just really friendly. Anyway to make this story short, they continued throughout the night trying to convince me to join them and I kept on declining. The funny thing is that they both spoke about their boyfriends who they loved very much. My male friend explained that the girls were not lesbians but they still liked having fun on the side with each other and girls that they fancied.

This whole girl-on-girl thing seems to be a trend sweeping the dating culture all over the world. Yes, there are lesbians, bisexuals and girls who experiment but this new breed of women have boyfriends or husbands, claim not to be lesbians or bisexual but are “experimenting” on a very regular basis. Yes, right here in St Lucia this trend is growing in popularity.

So, how did this story end? The girls ended up at my hotel but not in my room. I ended up dancing the night away with my male friend and getting exactly one hour of sleep before I had to leave for the airport!

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