The Year in Review
The countdown is on, 2006 is almost over. it sure went by in a flash. It’s a few more days until the new year and I find myself, a single gal, wondering who I am going to kiss at the stoke of midnight. There have been many options throughout this year but none lasted long enough.
By no means am I complaining about my single status. This just leaves all my options open for snogging a handsome stranger on the right of me or making out with the cute dude on my left when the call comes: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. . . Happy New Year! Oh gosh, I am forgetting that my parents read this column. Only joking moma and papa!
So anyway, I would be seriously lying if I said that this year was boring when it came to my love life. I went from having the most arid dating period ever to having way too many men to handle, then had to deal with two women who wanted me naked and sandwiched between them. (If you missed that very interesting column, then check out my web site for all of the juicy details!)
Over the last few months, I learned all about compromising and not compromising. I learned that a guy has to fit into my life, not ever the other way around. I recall a guy wanting me to change my image and lifestyle to suit his. He refused to continue dating me unless I conformed. Well, obviously that one definitely fizzled out! In relationships, compromise is sometimes a good thing and makes things go smoothly when both parties are happy. The problem arises when a guy or girl wants you to change the essence of who you are, change your personality and give up the things that make you happy so that you would be more suitable for them.
My word of advice: show that person the door! Career and family has also been on my mind this year. As I turned 26 in November, I began wondering whether I should care more about settling down and having a family in the near future. I came up with a definite answer—No way. Even though many of my old classmates are now married or attached with children, I realize that this is certainly not a priority for me now or anywhere in the near future. I will concentrate on me now and enjoy life as much as I can. I still haven't decided whether I am the marrying or childbearing type. A year from now, I may be singing a different tune but as of today, this is where I’m at.
I was recently having a couple of cosmopolitans with a very interesting group of people and all of the single ones were singing the same tune. There is nobody out there for them. Well, to all of the single ones out there, I say, enjoy it while it lasts. embrace your freedom to do whatever you want to do with your life! Now back to the stroke of midnight, will I be smooching the cutie on the right or the handsome guy on the left?
By no means am I complaining about my single status. This just leaves all my options open for snogging a handsome stranger on the right of me or making out with the cute dude on my left when the call comes: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. . . Happy New Year! Oh gosh, I am forgetting that my parents read this column. Only joking moma and papa!
So anyway, I would be seriously lying if I said that this year was boring when it came to my love life. I went from having the most arid dating period ever to having way too many men to handle, then had to deal with two women who wanted me naked and sandwiched between them. (If you missed that very interesting column, then check out my web site for all of the juicy details!)
Over the last few months, I learned all about compromising and not compromising. I learned that a guy has to fit into my life, not ever the other way around. I recall a guy wanting me to change my image and lifestyle to suit his. He refused to continue dating me unless I conformed. Well, obviously that one definitely fizzled out! In relationships, compromise is sometimes a good thing and makes things go smoothly when both parties are happy. The problem arises when a guy or girl wants you to change the essence of who you are, change your personality and give up the things that make you happy so that you would be more suitable for them.
My word of advice: show that person the door! Career and family has also been on my mind this year. As I turned 26 in November, I began wondering whether I should care more about settling down and having a family in the near future. I came up with a definite answer—No way. Even though many of my old classmates are now married or attached with children, I realize that this is certainly not a priority for me now or anywhere in the near future. I will concentrate on me now and enjoy life as much as I can. I still haven't decided whether I am the marrying or childbearing type. A year from now, I may be singing a different tune but as of today, this is where I’m at.
I was recently having a couple of cosmopolitans with a very interesting group of people and all of the single ones were singing the same tune. There is nobody out there for them. Well, to all of the single ones out there, I say, enjoy it while it lasts. embrace your freedom to do whatever you want to do with your life! Now back to the stroke of midnight, will I be smooching the cutie on the right or the handsome guy on the left?